Mocke © Julien Bourgeois
Mocke is an essential guitarist of the french music scene. Formerly a founding member of the group Holden, he composes and writes today within the Midget! duo, with the musician Claire Vailler.
We have seen him gradually free himself from any framework to settle in a territory that belongs only to him. At the crossroads of experimentation, oblique songs, world sound, contemporary music, improvisations, Mocke composes instrumental pieces built around his guitar, like one writes prose poems, with such grace that it is not surprising that his latest album “Parle Grand Canard” (Objet Disque, 2020), was unanimously acclaimed upon its release.
Whether he is alone at the helm of his solo records (3 albums since 2014), composing musical creations for France Culture, film soundtracks or appearing on stage and on records with other musicians (Delphine Dora, Mohamed Lamouri, Arlt, Chevalrex…), Mocke has a harmonic signature recognizable among thousands. The trademark of one of the most singular musicians of the time.
« Mocke is probably the best electric guitarist in France, integrating influences of a very wide variety. He also gives with his music another trajectory to the recent history of the guitar. His compositions give us a glimpse of what music would sound like if things had turned out differently. He is at the same time an immense melodist, composer but also an improviser of great inventiveness and elegance. There are pictorial motifs, timbres, a great originality in the clarity of his playing, of his sound. The absence of words, of vocal elements, does not make us forget that Mocke is also a major songwriter. We played on the same stage once in Brussels. Unheard of. » (Bertrand Belin)